Research Cycle by Rebecca Cuthbert

Hello, Today’s edition of October Stories is Research Cycle, by Rebecca Cuthbert. In honor of having Rebecca’s feature today, I’ve updated the Reviews section to show the one I did of her book In Memory of Exoskeletons.

Research Cycle

By Rebecca Cuthbert

The results weren’t ideal—she’d liked her assistant. Ken? Keith? Quiet, eager. But feeding the subjects had been his job, and he’d signed the liability waiver. Anyway, wasn’t science about taking risks? She was an explorer, a revolutionary, and until this morning, Kyle (Kevin?) had been, too.

True, she hadn’t anticipated the subjects’ aggression, and with their size … well. But a conversion from herbivore to carnivore was interesting—worth more experimentation, surely.

She’d hire a new lab assistant tomorrow. For now, she’d run the tests herself. She’d be careful.

Besides, there was no way they could still be hungry.

First publication credits for this little story go to Hearth & Coffin Literary Journal. 

Rebecca Cuthbert is a dark fiction and poetry writer living in Western New York. She loves ghost stories, folklore, witchy women, and anything that involves nature getting revenge. Her books include IN MEMORY OF EXOSKELETONS, CREEP THIS WAY: HOW TO BECOME A HORROR WRITER WITH 24 TIPS TO GET YOU GHOULING, SELF-MADE MONSTERS, and DOWN IN THE DARK DEEP WHERE THE PUDDLERS DWELL. For publications, reviews, and  more, visit


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