Poems by Donny Winter

Good morning! Today’s edition of October Stories are poems by Donny Winter.

The Crooning Crows

by Donny Winter




at this metallic body,

sandblasted raw, baked

beneath a desert sun.

The vultures trail higher

and the ravens gaze in wait




of a hate wrought from their

long memory of our mistakes.

The crooning crows

sing a dirge for what was,

a living world once lush, while I,




seek the foreign comfort

of a passing cloud.


by Donny Winter

The world has spun its way back to March again:

birdsong carries on the uncharacteristically warm wind,

plants pre-maturely peek their sprouts above the rot,

the sun reduces snow mounds into rivers.

The streets are bumper-to-bumper and the sidewalks full:

friends lock elbows as they stroll past

a well-kept enclosure, careful to avoid

the dusty windows of this man-made stockade.

With each SOS that goes unanswered, we sit inside these rooms:

our bones are the gears in clocks

and we delicately press ourselves into

each hand painted cornice, elegant and ornate,

boxed in a museum of our own manic making.

The Monster that Became Me

by Donny Winter

The snow squall calls in whistles past numb ears

while dirty banks rise around planted boots

to form a glacial colosseum.

The frozen window frames a photograph

of home and hearth, family and friends

gathered around a fireplace.

They share kisses at wine glass clinks

then bellow laughs suspended in perpetuity.

Outside, the storm still rages unbeknownst to them,

and the key beneath the doormat was

swallowed by a monster, no entry or egress.

the key beneath the doormat was

swallowed by the monster,

the monster that became me.


Donny Winter is an LGBTQ+ poet, educator, and activist currently residing in Midland, Michigan. He teaches creative writing at Delta College and composition at Saginaw Valley State University. He’s authored three poem collections: Casting Seeds (2022), Feats of Alchemy (2021), and Carbon Footprint (2020). His poems have appeared in numerous magazines and journals, including Somber Midwest, Awakened Voices, CultureCult Magazine, and Millennium Pulp. For more information, visit www.donnywinter.com.


Scary Ralph by Jude Miller


Poetry and photography by Myrtle Thomas