Featured Poet: Emecheta Christian

Good afternoon! Today, I am happy to have Emecheta Christian as the feature! Check out his poems below!


words break their leashes running wild across white space

(gravity is optional here)

my thoughts float like untethered astronauts discovering that emptiness is just another word

for possibility

I shed my worries like old skin: the “should”s the “must”s the “cannota”s melting into

background noise

while I learn

to speak

in gigabytes

sometimes, freedom lives in the spaces between words, heartbeats, and decisions

each day opens like a window

in a prison cell

letting in light

that tastes like


my voice spreads across dimensions: [ a fractal pattern of becoming] {unfolds} {unfolds}


[breathing again]

no cage can hold a man who knows how to turn his bars into bridges, his locks into laughter,

his walls into wings

here, at last: we have the liberty of letting opinions soar unbound

(watch how fresh ideas)

(make their own)


freedom isn’t the absence of boundaries but the courage to redraw them in our own wild and

delightful calligraphy

[let’s soar]

The Way to Hidden Riches

Here be riches: (in the unmapped territories of earth’s secrets)

buried treasures

unspoken words

perilous truths

revered mysteries

every overrun path, like buried footprints in the desert dirt, leading to forgotten lands we

pretend not to exist

[walk carefully]

[the edge is closer than evident]

[reality might crush you]

as the compass spins: N points to nightmares S points to salvation E points to exposure W

points to wonders

(unfold this map carefully and remember,

some territories

should remain




the spot

where truth

will be


follow the breadcrumbs of the sages through the maze of history until you find what was

never really lost.

The Only Way to Live

don’t label yourself a writer

if you’ve never bled ink

across bathroom floors at 3 AM

choking on words

that refuse to stay down

this isn’t about pretty

this isn’t about polish

this isn’t about your f***ing MFA

either your bones are full of stories

that eat you alive from the inside

or they’re not

either your skull cracks open

with verses that blast out

like nuclear bombs

or you’re just making noise

there are enough

perfectly crafted empty books

in this world

gathering dust

on coffee tables

in homes

where no one reads

Raw Material

they ask about my process

and I laugh until I vomit


there is no process

only possession

only fever

only wound

do you think I chose this?

this midnight madness?

this continuous hemorrhage

of half-formed images?

writing isn’t a career choice

it’s a f***ing diagnosis

either your veins crawl with poetry

or they don’t

there’s no template

no workshop

no theory

that can forge

what must be

crafted in fire

Authenticity Warning

this is your last chance

to walk away

from the edge

of this paper cliff

if you can sleep at night

without words gnawing

through your dreams

like hungry rats

if you can go one day

without your fingers trembling

for a pen

like a junkie’s needle

if you can look at a sunrise

without seeing

metaphors flowing

across the sky

then run

run far

run fast

run now

because real poetry

isn’t a choice

it’s a disease

that makes breathing


until you let it speak

and once it starts

it never



Emecheta Christian’s work explores themes of self-actualization and the complexities of the human experience. His poems and short stories have appeared or are forthcoming in esteemed literary journals and anthologies such as Arts Lounge Magazine, Writefluence Anthology, 9th Edition of Chinua Achebe Poetry/Essay Anthology, Synchronized Chaos Online Journal, The Decolonial Passage, Mocking Owl Roost, and elsewhere. He has been recognized with a few literary awards as well. Emecheta's unique voice and evocative imagery have garnered him a growing reputation as a voice of change in the global literary scene.


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