Featured Poet: Edward Roth

Good morning! I am thrilled to share a couple poems from a wonderfully talented, new poet, Edward Roth. Check out his poems below, and keep on the lookout, I have a feeling there’ll be more from him soon.

Ethereal Winter Walk

Within the wood of frozen trees and time,

All is still but lost and wandering snow,

And complaining branches, burdened with rime,

Which strain in the wind, bending to and fro.

The forest, composed of poplar and pine,

Not dead, but no longer completely alive,

Preserved. Liminal. Crystalline,

A symphony suspended ‘till Spring revives.

The silence and the forest, untainted,

A glade that remains secluded-obscure,

A world with corruption unacquainted,

And here, only here, all is pure.

This is my forest where everything shines,

Within a wood, frozen in time.

Lullaby for My Shield Maiden

Betwixt the walls of elden halls,

The great fire snaps and spits.

Violently it fulminates,

In furious rage of flickering fits.

A heavy, ancient, oaken, door,

Guards against the howling gale,

Whose fiendish screams ice the blood,

And make the most courageous quail.

But in the roar of the flame the mirth resumes,

In tales told for centennial times,

And the bards will strike up their song,

In witty words and cunning rhyme.

And though the drink is excellent strong,

And the hall is well bedight,

The hour is late, and drawing long,

So now I bid you goodnight.

Please accept my poetic bade,

And though the snow most heavy falls,

Sleep in solace, dearest maid,

Betwixt the walls of elden halls.


Edward Roth is on an expedited schedule to graduate high school. He enjoys writing, poetry, and making short films. Edward has written a number of short stories and is in the process of finishing his first full length novel.


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