Featured Poet: Chris Dean

Good morning, today’s feature is the always wonderful Chris Dean! I’m always a fan of their poetry, but these three really stood out! Check out three of their poems with accompanying photos, taken by them, below, and while you’re at it, follow the links on where to get a copy of their books. You should also consider following Keeping The Flame Alive, they do some pretty incredible stuff.

when they come

I look at my child,

born one, grown into another,

and wonder…

how long until their neighbors come for them?

I look at my friends,

mouths open, speaking autonomy,

and wonder…

how long until their neighbors come for them?

I look at the artists,

painting peace, writing defiance,

and wonder…

how long until their neighbors come for them?

I look at my community,

not straight, Christian, or compliant,

and wonder…

how long until our neighbors come for us?

I look at myself in the mirror,

eyes filled with worry, refusing to give into fear,

and wonder…

will anyone stand and say, “NO!” when they come?


The hill yawns with an ancient

snaggle-toothed grin,

the first of Winter

returning its color

to pristine white.

The angle of the Sun tells me

we've crossed into the days

when the Old Year

has gone to its rest

but the New has yet to rise

and the earth belongs

to those that once slept

beneath the rows

of chipped incisors

the hill now bares.

Here, it's quiet enough

to hear the wind

through the gaps,

whistle breathy songs

to call back the light.

Once we reach the city,

the only hymns we'll hear

will be those composed

to the greatness of man,

played on his progress,

the length of our

nights and days,

an organized march

to the cadence of timers

on lamps and alarms.

But staring

at the worn teeth,

opened wide enough

to swallow

black minutes of midnight,

I can forget progress and safety.

I can stand cold with mouth-bones

that speak of forgotten ancestors

and hear them whisper welcome

for another Solstice day.

map of fireflies

Within the dark

there is the light

of a million candles,

my heart a lunar moth

drawn to a map of fireflies

showing my soul

the path to take.

How change

can occur with peace.

How peace

can be found within.

How actions

can inspire action

and action

can inspire change.

Each word

pours the wax,

setting the wick

with intent.

I'm learning at the feet

of the Masters

that I might one day

be a flame.

Chris Dean is a storyteller, spoken word artist and self-proclaimed Magpie Poet who writes from the heart of Indiana where they live with their husband, dog and too many cats to mention. 

Along with Wendy Cartwright, Chris is co-founder of Keeping the Flame Alive magazine and the Columbus Acoustic Music & Poetry monthly Open Mic.

Their work has been featured online, in multiple print anthologies and they are the author of two books of poetry, Tales From a Broken Girl and We're All Stories in the End, published by Storeylines Press. 

You can find Tales from a Broken Girl here https://a.co/d/8gaXLyN

You can find We’re All Stories in the End here https://a.co/d/gQD8Hd3


Feature Poet: Richard Oyama


Poem of the week: A Loving Lament by Ron Whitehead