Playing Time In Tongues

Deeply moving and thought provoking, I read this book twice before writing the review, absorbing it both times in a slightly different way, this is a book that I would honestly recommend rereading several times over. And it isn’t that the message is missed the first time around, it’s that this is truly a unique piece, that you can take new insights from each read through.

Released last year by Querencia Press, Playing Time In Tongues is the debut release from Vita Lerman, and let me just say it is a masterpiece. I have personally never read a poetry book quite like this.

The entire first half of the collection is told from an onlooker’s perspective watching a woman age from child to adult, told in a scattering of mismatched dates that in no way follow a linear pattern, bouncing to and fro rather, yet I found it easy to follow and loved the brilliance of it.

The second half felt to me more like scattered fragments of memories and thoughts, musings on life and meaning. I don’t want to give too much away, because I really think this book speaks for itself and needs to be read.

Vita took a risk with this book and in my opinion it paid off, she tells a beautiful story in an original way, making it all her own. Her writing style is fascinating and brilliantly accomplished, this was one of the most interesting pieces I’ve ever read and I very much enjoyed it.

At only 78 pages, it’s a fairly quick read, though the contents within are filled with deep thoughts that will have you contemplating life in much the same way. It’s a beautiful collection, one you’ll be sorry for having missed out on it.

You can find a copy of Playing Time In Tongues here


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